Q: Why is it important to serve God? Do we even need to serve God? And
last question is, as a believer, what is the most important/vital service we
should do to praise God? (Evangelize?? or is there something else more
important) Please cite the bible if you will answer these questions! thank you (sic)
A: Thank
you for your questions. The place to start is by defining what it means to serve
God. When we hear the word “serve,” we immediately think of working for someone
in order to supply their needs and wants. That leads to the question, “What is
it that we can supply to God in order to meet His needs and wants?” Acts 17:25
says that God “is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because
he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.” The answer
is that there is nothing we can give to God as a result of our efforts. He,
being God, does not need anything because He is the source of everything.
However, if we define service using the Bible, we can begin to address your
questions. Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brethren, by the
mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable
to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” Serving God is about
an attitude of resting. We rest from our works in order to allow God, through
the power of the Holy Spirit, guide us from within. We are living sacrifices in
that we make ourselves available to Him to do with us as He sees fit in order
to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
way we rest is by realizing that we are unconditionally loved (Romans 8:38-39)
and totally accepted (Romans 15:7) in His eyes through our faith in Christ.
Unfortunately, many Christians have been taught that they must be busy for God.
From the moment a person is saved they are taught they must get to work in one
form or another. For example, many hold the belief that there are “acts of
obedience” that a Christian must perform. Usually, the first “act of obedience”
is water baptism. Then, in varying order there are things like tithing, church
membership, getting involved in some church group, etc. All of it taught with
the mindset that you have to keep yourself holy in God’s eyes by what you are
doing. And that is what passes for service to God; activity within an organized
church. The focus is on the individual’s behavior and not on God’s love and
acceptance of the individual, regardless of how they act. Trust me, when a
Christian discovers how much God loves them, they will begin to bear the fruit
of the Spirit. Making ourselves living sacrifices is the service God wants. We
allow Him to use us to serve the world in love through us. That happens when we
realize that through faith in Christ, God has “blessed us with every
spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3)” and has given us “everything we need
for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).” It is “important” to know what
service to God truly is and that you do not “need” to serve Him, but to allow
Him to serve others in love through you.
is not one important or vital service to do in order to praise God. The
question, like the previous ones starts with a premise of what you are
physically doing for God. The Christian life is not about trying to serve God,
but getting to know Him. For most, praising God consists of giving joyful
tribute or homage to God in the form of singing, shouting, dancing and so
forth. While that is fine and understandable, even an unbeliever can do that.
“And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may
please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the
knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10).” The only way to get to know God is by
understanding that you are free to approach Him. “For Christ died for sins once
for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God (1 Peter
3:18).” You are able to know God because there is no sin separating you from
Him because of the death of Jesus Christ. By being able to approach God you are
now able to receive all He has for those who come to Him by faith. And when you
receive the inheritance He has given to you, the result will be to praise Him.
You will want to do nothing else, but tell the world about His free gift of
life, love and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ. Your praise will be to
glorify Him for all He has done for you and doing through you.
anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone
serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things
God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power
forever and ever. Amen (1 Peter 4:11).”
In conclusion, serving God is done through the strength He provides.
Praising God comes through Jesus Christ. Service and praise do not emanate from
our strength or through us, but from God. This is all a byproduct of resting in
who we are in Christ. When you know your identity in Christ, you won’t be
consumed with what service to God is, is it important or how to best praise
Him. When you begin to see the fruit of the Spirit being produced by God
through you, you will know you are serving God by resting in His love for you
and as you bear witness to Him it will be the praise with which you glorify
Him. Be blessed and thanks for the questions.
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