Monday, February 13, 2012

Down on Downloading

Q: A few questions... 1. Is downloading music,media, movies etc.. Is it a sin? 2. Is copying copywrited media for your personal use (not to sell but to share) is that sin? 3. What does the bible say about these things? Because I`m guilty of having loads of downloaded gospel and movies and ministry etc... (sic)

A: Thank you for your questions. No, I would not consider downloading to be a sin, especially, if you have lawfully acquired the music, media and movies you are downloading. The debate rages on as to what is considered illegal downloading and what is not. There are biblical grounds for considering something to be a sin, if it is a matter of conscience. In 1 Corinthians 8, the apostle Paul was discussing food sacrificed to idols. Although Paul knew “that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that there is no God but one (1 Corinthians 8:4),” there were some Christians who did not know this truth. They were “accustomed to idols that when they eat such food they think of it as having been sacrificed to an idol, and since their conscience is weak, it is defiled (1 Corinthians 8:7).” Therefore, Paul warned those who were like him to be careful that “the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak (1 Corinthians 8:9).” The conclusion is that if you know something is not sinful, but a weaker Christian believes it to be sinful, you should not allow your knowledge be a stumbling block to your fellow believer. So, if you are concerned about the sinfulness of downloading these items, just stop doing it. 

I grew up on R&B, rap and hip hop music. Much of this music is very secular and sinful in its subject matter and lyrics. When I first came to the Lord I had drawers full of this music in my possession. Knowing what I knew about the music and its content made me feel guilty about whether or not it was sinful to have the music, much less listen to it. Therefore, one day I threw out all of this music. To this day I have not purchased anymore of this type of music to my memory. However, I admit that I will occasionally listen to some of it still whether it is on the radio or internet. I cannot justify listening to such secular music, but it is something that still generates interest on my part. Back when I threw the music out, I believed owning it was a sin. Now, I know that God was not counting my ownership of that music, or listening to it, against me in any form. I just did not know that at the time. Personally, my trashing of all that music was a sign of the change that the Lord was doing in and through me more than anything else. And that is the most important aspect to remember. Similarly, your concern about whether downloading items is a sin seems to be more of a reflection of the changed heart you are developing as a result of your faith in Jesus Christ than anything else. You are free to do as you please with regards to downloading and God will not count it against you. 

What I did not know at the time I threw out all my music is that I am free in Christ. “”Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive (1 Corinthians 10:23).” The way I see it now is that God gives me the freedom to do anything I want, but I need to ask myself, “is what I am choosing to do beneficial to me and does it reflect the decision making of someone who knows the Lord?” The Bible clearly states that there is “no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).” Therefore, in context of this discussion, God was not going to condemn me for keeping the music I possessed. But, I do not believe it is beneficial for me to listen to music that glorifies sexual immorality, violence and hedonism. You are free to download music without the fear that God is going to condemn you for doing so. However, given your concern over the issue, it does not seem to be beneficial or constructive for you to continue to download music, media and movies that make you ask whether or not you are engaging in sin by doing it. There has to be an alternative means by which you can acquire the items you desire without having to injure your conscience by downloading them. 

God wants you to rest in the fact that you are a forgiven, child of God. Just because you have “loads of downloaded gospel and movies and ministry, etc.,” does not mean you have loads of sins being stored up against you by God. Regardless of what you decide to do regarding downloading, God can use it to glorify Himself through you. I now know that I do not need the music I once owned in my life. You may one day discover the same in your life regarding downloading music and other items. “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,  because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men (Romans 14:17-18).” If the Kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking, it is safe to say that it is not about secular music or downloading either. If what you decide to do results in you having peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, then that is what God desires for you. Consider it to be your service to God. May God continue to reveal to you the blessings you already have through faith in Jesus Christ.

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