Weaker Vessel
“Likewise, husbands, live with your wives
in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since
they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be
hindered (1 Peter 3:7).” How often do naysayers put forth the idea that
Christianity subjugates women as a way of dismissing the entire Bible and,
ultimately, Jesus Christ? Verses like this one in 1 Peter 3:7 are used as a
proof text for their belief because it refers to women as “weaker vessels.”
However, the question must be asked, “Why would the Bible instruct a husband to
‘honor’ his wife and say that the two of them are ‘heirs” in the grace of life
if ‘weaker vessel’ means the wife is less in stature to her husband?” Now few
would argue that a woman, in general, is physically weaker than a man. Plus,
the Bible does talk about Eve being deceived by Satan which may imply women
being weak in other ways as well. However, in this context, I believe that a
wife is referred to as the “weaker vessel,” not because she is less valuable,
but in an effort to tell the husband that she needs to be treated with
understanding, tenderness and patience.
If you think about some of our most
treasured possessions like antiques, family heirlooms, and precious jewelry and
so on, they are fragile, i.e. weak, vessels, and we treat them with the utmost
care and concern. We only show them to certain people, secure them in secret
locations, wear them on special occasions and give them a prominent position in
our homes. God told husbands to love their wives like Christ loves the Church.
As one Christian puts it, “He (husband) is the leader, and he is to set
the tone for the relationship, and a man who honors his wife and puts her first
before all but God will have a wife that responds. The way a husband gives
himself for his wife is that he understands she is to be honored for the fact
that she is his wife.” The “weaker vessel” is the most precious vessel a husband
is given by the Lord. It is not disrespectful to be the “weaker vessel.” This
same Christian concludes by saying, “This word “weakness” can cause great
offense when there should be none at all. Women are weaker and need to be
treated with understanding and respect. A husband shows his love for his wife
by putting her first. A woman who resists this loving care by her husband is
robbing herself of the joy of being the “weaker” vessel.”
“For since the creation of the world His
invisible attributes are
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead,
so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew
God, they did not glorify Him
as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their
foolish hearts were darkened (Romans 1:20-21).” This is the time of year
when many people will go out of their way to not “offend” anybody by saying
“Happy Holidays” rather than Merry Christmas. Many people call this the, “War
on Christmas.” Those who fall on the side of the politically correct crowd will
say that the uproar is not warranted. However, just look at some of these
headlines: “College Allegedly Tells Student Club it Can’t Sell ‘Christmas’
Trees Because They’re Associated With a ‘Christian Event’,” “Church vs. State:
Atheist Furor Rages Over School Trip to Church’s Production of ‘A Charlie Brown
Christmas’,” and “Atheist Calls Jesus ‘Psychologically Disturbed’ & Pledges
Lawsuit Against TX Nativity Unless Christians Post This Sign.” The sign, by the
way, says, “This star was a gift from 2 Texas Atheists. Merry Christmas!” It is
amazing how those wishing not to be offended by Christians go out of their way
to offend Christians. Notice, also, that in two of these headlines atheists are
the ones behind the confrontations.
While people may believe that saying “Happy
Holidays” represents a combination of all the holidays celebrated at this time
of the year, nobody thinks twice about saying Happy Thanksgiving, Happy New
Year or even Happy Hanukkah. Furthermore,
it is interesting to note that you rarely, if ever, hear of people going out of
their way to single out other religions like Islam for political correctness.
In fact, there are those that will hypocritically go overboard to make sure
other religions are recognized in the same or similar manner that Christianity
is said to be offensive. What exactly are these atheists and other politically
correct opponents of Christmas so afraid of? After all, in a nation founded by
Christians, who have said Merry Christmas for centuries, these atheists and opponents
of Christmas weren’t converted to faith in Jesus Christ. I think deep down
these people know that any outward expression of Christianity only magnifies
the sinfulness and the spiritual darkness they live in. Therefore, they want to
“suppress” and “extinguish” any public display of the One true God. And what
better way to do this than at a time when believers in the One true God
celebrate the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ? The very same Son, who while
dying for the sins of those who persecuted Him said, “Father,
forgive them, for they do not know what they do (Luke 23:34).” While they hate
Him, He loves them. Merry Christmas!
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