Our Leaders are a reflection of us
What sad times we are living in. We say that character doesn't matter when electing a leader. If they cheat on their spouse, we will
say it is a private matter as if a person whose own spouse can’t trust them can
be trusted to lead us. We are so addicted to indulging our flesh with things
like mind-altering drugs and sexual sin, that we will legalize it in order to
remove any barriers inhibiting us. Because we have these rebellious feelings
about character and right living, we will lash out against those who try and
point us in the right direction; namely born again Christians. And let us not
forget that those who are charged to lead us and guide us from the pulpit,
compromise the word of God in order to appease the world and fill their
congregations and bank accounts. So much so that we have thrown out the truths
of the Bible in order to achieve compromise with the lost world. Through the
prophet Micah, God said, “If a liar and deceiver comes and says, ‘I will prophesy for you plenty of wine
and beer,’ he would be just the prophet for this people
(Micah 2:11)!” This country has leaders who in many ways are liars and
deceivers that are basically giving us the “wine and beer” our flesh
desires. While we are preoccupied with
getting everything our flesh desires, we are blind to the destructive path we
are on as a country and as individuals. Rather than repent of our unbelief in
Jesus Christ and the expression of that unbelief manifested in our sinful
lifestyles, we try to remove any barriers to our goals and force others to pay
to bail us out from the consequences of our sinful choices. One can only hope
that for a person headed down this sinful path that they are handed over to
Satan “so that the
sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the
day of the Lord (1 Corinthians 5:5).” As long as the people are spiritually
dead to God and morally bankrupt, our leaders, both inside and outside the
pulpit, will reflect our so-called values.
Bearing the fruit of the Spirit
How often are Christians told to go to Church, join a
community group within that church and study the Bible day and night, among other things, as if it is their duty to do so, despite the fact they may not
have a great desire for it? Often times it is those close to us that are the
ones who are constantly applying the pressure, even though they mean well by
it. Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man
remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do
nothing (John 15:5).” If you have ever taken notice of a fruit bearing plant,
nobody has to tell it to produce fruit. The branches of the plant rely solely
on the vine to produce the fruit for it. And that fruit will attract those who
will partake of it. Every Christian knows that Jesus Christ is the Vine that
produces the fruit we bear. However, in many cases, we try and produce that
fruit through our own self-effort. When we are resting in the unconditional
love of God and His total acceptance of us, we will begin to bear the fruit the
Holy Spirit produces through us. Part of that fruit will be the desire to be
around like-minded believers, join with them in ministerial efforts,
continuously read God’s Word and share Jesus Christ with others. The indwelling
life of God is the motivation for our behavior. We trust and depend on Him and
He produces the fruit we bear for the world. When somebody tells you to do
something, you may comply at first, but in the end, you might find yourself
rebelling against it because it isn’t natural. The love of God, through faith
in Jesus Christ, will result in a natural, dare I say supernatural, desire to
engross yourself with the things of the Lord. The moment you discover the
difference between being told to something by others and initiating your own
activity because of responding to the love of God, is the moment you should
realize that you’re beginning to be led by the Holy Spirit.
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