Sunday, June 9, 2013

Unconfessed Sin and the Presence of God

Unconfessed Sin

We all know that we have sin in our life that others are not aware of. It is one reason why so many people are fearful to make judgments about what is sin and why it is wrong. They believe that because they have not rid themselves of sin, “Who am I to ‘judge’ another person?” Therefore, when calamity strikes our lives or we just can’t seem to get ahead in life we run into that person who will suggest that, “You must have some hidden sin in your life that needs confessing to God.” After all, you must have sin in your life to have such trouble going on. And since we have sin in our lives, we say to ourselves, “Yeah, they are probably right and I better ‘get right with God’ or else things will stay the same or get worse for me.” This is the type of faulty thinking that permeates the Body of Christ; believing God enters our lives and afflicts us because of our sins and bad choices. When Job was suffering his affliction, he had just finished speaking about his troubles and how he felt about them. His friend Eliphaz was responding to Job when he said, “Think how you have instructed many, how you have strengthened feeble hands. Your words have supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees. But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged; it strikes you, and you are dismayed. Should not your piety be your confidence and your blameless ways your hope? Consider now: Who, being innocent, has ever perished? Where were the upright ever destroyed? As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it. At the breath of God they perish; at the blast of his anger they are no more (Job 4:3-9).” When I read this I see almost a sarcastic attitude of Eliphaz towards the plight of Job. It is as if he is telling Job, “Weren’t you supposed to be this great guy who helped so many? Now look at you. You must have some unconfessed sin in your life; otherwise you wouldn’t be suffering so much.” 

How many Christians have an “Eliphaz” in their lives? It could be their pastor, a member of their church, a friend or even their own conscious. When you combine poor teaching and discipleship with the fact we will sin, to some degree, until the day we die, you end up with a multitude of Christians living joyless and fearful walks. What is worse is that because of this they are set up to be manipulated and controlled by those wanting to take advantage of them. This happens because what is the first thing those suffering will say to themselves if they don’t have their mind renewed with truth? “I must not being praying enough, asking forgiveness enough, going to church enough, giving enough and on and on and on.” In other words, “If I am not a perfect Christian in thought, deed and speech, God is going to make my life miserable.” But, we know Job’s plight was God allowing Satan to test him because Job was “blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil (Job 1:8),” not because of sin in his life. It is the same with Christians. God sees us as “holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation (Colossians 1:22)” because of our faith in Jesus Christ. You have sin in your life, but God is not punishing you for it. Instead of being lied to by your “Eliphaz,” approach your God and rest in His truth.

The Presence of God

Have you ever been driving down the street and seen a church marquee that read, “Come in and experience the presence of God”? It makes you think that if you are a Christian and not in church you can’t experience the “presence of God.” Maybe it is just me, but what most people say is the “presence of God” is simply an emotional experience they claim is God. For example, one of the leaders at a previous church I attended got up in front of the group and said, “Let’s give God a clap offering” as if the Lord was about to walk out from behind the curtain. Then, when the response did not meet his liking, he threw a guilt trip on the group by saying, “Is that all you can give God? He got you through the week. You can do better than that.” Of course, nobody wants to “upset” God in “His house” so everybody clapped harder. Combine that type of manipulation and a passionate sermon that raises the adrenaline and you have the “experience” that is said to be the “presence of God.” Therefore, if you feel good and get your blood flowing at church, God has “arrived.” I know that goes on all the time in many churches. But there are two things wrong with the idea that you must go to church in order to be in the “presence of God.” 

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands (Acts 17:24).” The Bible is clear that God does not dwell in temples, or churches or anything else built by human hands. That may have been the case is in the Old Testament, but no longer. Therefore, how can you be in His presence inside a church building if He does not live there? Fact is you cannot. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God (1 Corinthians 6:19)?” I guess this question asked here must be reiterated. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit? Christians do not go to church to be in the “presence of God”. Christians are the Church and are in His presence every moment of the day because His Holy Spirit is present in our bodies! If you are in the “presence of God” at church it is because you are there and He is in you. What is truly sad is that every Christian knows these verses, yet many still perpetuate the error that the “presence of God” is found by attending church. I don’t say these things to stop you from attending church. I say these things so you will know the truth about what truly defines Church and how you are in the real “presence of God.” If you are in Christ, God is in you and you are in His presence. Wherever you go, He is there. 

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