Friday, January 23, 2015

Black Lives Matter

"Tell the Israelites: If Israelites or foreigners living among you give one of their children as a sacrifice to [the god] Molech, they must be put to death" Leviticus 20:2

By now we have all heard the slogan, "Black Lives Matter." Well, I have one question to ask, "Do Black Lives Matter?" First we had, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot!" This is a saying and gesture originating from the August 2014 shooting death of Black teenager, Michael Brown, by the police in Ferguson, Missouri. Around the same time another Black man, Eric Garner died after the police subdued him with a choke hold. This resulted in another slogan, "I Can't Breathe," based off Eric Garner's own words as he struggled with the police. There have been other deaths of Blacks that have contributed to the rise of the "Black Lives Matter" campaign, including the death of Trayvon Martin in 2012, but only recently has it gained national and global attention. Regardless of how one feels about the cases mentioned, I have to say, in answer to my question, that Black Lives Do Not Matter! I don't say this because I agree with the movement, I say this because the movement ignores the biggest problem facing Blacks in America today; Abortion.

This week marked the 42nd "anniversary" of the Roe vs. Wade decision which basically imposed a woman's right to an abortion across the United States. As I type this, since 1973, when the decision was made, 17,268,028 abortions of Black babies have taken place in the United States alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as of 2012 there were 39 million people in the United States who solely identified themselves as African-American (Black). That equates to about 13.1% of the total population of the United States. If we took the number of abortions and added that number to the 39 million, we would have over 56 million Blacks in the country. That would equate to about 17% of the population. My math may be off, but you get my point. In general, we are talking about over 404,000 abortions a year of Black babies; 1,100 a day! As for Blacks who were shot and killed by the police the numbers I've seen range anywhere from 123 to 313 depending on the year surveyed and who did the study. That is less than one a day on average. While tragic, those numbers pale in comparison to the number of abortions in the Black community. So again I ask, "Do Black Lives Matter?" Again, the answer has to be a resounding, "No."

Where is the "campaign" about the Black lives lost in the womb who are unable to put their tiny "hands up" or who are unable to say they "can't breathe"? There was a "controversial" billboard put up in New York City a few years ago that showed a Black child with a statement that read, "The Most Dangerous Place for an African-American is in the womb." According to the numbers no truer words have ever been uttered. For the record, I must say that All Lives Matter. But, if "Black Lives Matter," and they do, why is there so much silence in the greater Black community about those lives that never got the chance to see the light of day? If 1,100 Black lives a day were being taken by the police there would be a second Civil War. If 1,100 Black lives were being taken by disease there would be an outcry louder than the one we see for things like AIDs or even Ebola. Yet, 42 years ago this week women were given the right to take the lives of their unborn children and apparently, in the Black community, those lives do not matter. If a police officer kills a Black man, regardless of the reason, we get a global campaign. But, when a Black mother murders her unborn child we say and do nothing. After all, its her "right." I am afraid that just like those who sacrificed their children to Molech, we are doing the same thing.

By the way, the number of Black babies aborted since 1973 now stands at 17,268,061. Thirty-three (33) more babies have been murdered since I began this post. God help us.

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