Sunday, July 17, 2016

In the world you have Tribulation

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Spiritual Warfare is a battle between the truth of God and the lie of the devil. Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10)." On a daily basis, whether through the eye of the media or through personal experience we see the fruits of this battle. Death, destruction and mayhem are our constant companion to some degree. In the Garden of Eden, the plan of the devil was carried out. He stole Adam and Eve from God by getting them to believe his lie about the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. By believing his lie, the devil killed them, and ultimately us, through God's removal of His Holy Spirit. Thus, Adam and Eve died spiritually. Subsequently, all mankind is born physically alive to the world, but spiritually dead to God. Consequently, the relationship Adam and Eve enjoyed with God was destroyed. Thankfully, God already had a plan in place to restore what the devil had destroyed. Through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God's plan of salvation was enacted. Jesus, God in the flesh, was the only man born with a life to give that would satisfy God's punishment for sin. Through His sinless life, Jesus did what we could not and cannot do ourselves. He then took the penalty of death we deserved as an act of love for all mankind. Finally, through His resurrection from the dead, He can offer, as a free gift, the life of God lost when Adam and Eve sinned; restoring us to God. And because of the finality of the cross, there is now no sin that can cause that life to leave us again. This makes the life a Christian has an eternal life. A life that carries us in this life, through our death and into eternity. In this spiritual war the devil wins battles by stealing, killing and destroying. God wins through the creation of life. That is why Jesus said, "In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10)." What is it that normally brings a person to the point of repentance where they turn to faith in Jesus Christ and are saved? Tribulation.

Father, thank You for the tribulation we see in the world on a daily basis. I don't thank You for the suffering that people endure. I thank You because in many ways it is through suffering that people are brought to the end of themselves and are forced to turn to You in faith. My prayer is that the world discovers that the answer to what plagues it is not found in voting for the right candidate to lead us. It is not through the granting or removal of rights. It isn't through focusing on the tools we use to inflict suffering on each other whether it be a gun, a knife, an airplane, explosives, a truck or even our bare hands. It isn't through opening borders or erecting walls. It isn't through signing treaties written by fallen men and women. It isn't through denying Your existence and relying on our own understanding. It isn't through submission to false religions. It isn't through "unifying" the races when there is only one race; the human race. It isn't through reforming religions. It isn't through relying on institutions of higher learning. It isn't through the expansion of government. It isn't through trusting in science and technology. It isn't through increased charitable activity. It isn't through obeying what is good and denying what is evil. It isn't through fighting World Wars, Wars on Terror, Wars on Poverty, Wars on Cops or Wars on Drugs. It isn't through acceptance and legalization of sin. It isn't through calling evil good and good evil. It is only through the changing of a person's heart through faith in Jesus Christ that we will begin see a change in this world. When we experience tribulation in our lives or the lives of others it is often the only time our focus gets off of ourselves and our lives. As we watch the world fall apart around us on a daily basis, my prayer is that all mankind "looks up" to You and receives your offer of life and forgiveness only available through faith in Jesus Christ. It is only He that has overcome the world. It is only in Him that we find courage. It is only in Him that we will find peace. It is only in Him that we have life. It is only through faith in Him that we have victory. Amen!

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