"But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke. Then they secretly persuaded some men to say, “We have heard Stephen speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God." Acts 6:10-11
When a person or group of people are finding it difficult to defend their argument or make a case to refute the argument of those they are in opposition to, there is a tendency to resort to lying about their opponent or worse to avoid admitting they are wrong. Rather than accepting the truth and changing their minds or, at least, questioning their own beliefs, they do all in their power to destroy their opponent; even if it means plotting to murder them. A common example is when it comes to politics. We have seen how news organizations, who are on one side of the political spectrum, will resort to lying about their political opponents in order to tear them down. The term used to describe this action is "Fake News." By definition, fake news "is a term often used to refer to fabricated news. This type of news, found in traditional news, social media or fake news websites, has no basis in fact, but is presented as being factually accurate." Unfortunately, this tactic can be quite effective when you factor in how the people disseminating the fake news are often those in positions of authority, power and influence; news anchors, entertainers, teachers, CEOs and even politicians. Therefore, if those people directly influenced by the ones perpetuating the lies trust the people misleading them, the lies being told are taken as fact. Once that occurs, it is easy to manipulate and control entire bodies of people who believe they are acting in response to something that is true. When that occurs, it can literally require divine intervention to undo the damage that has been done. It is interesting to note that the Bible says, "Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness (Exodus 23:1)." Engaging in, reporting or spreading fake news is a modern example of spreading false reports. You can even make the comparison that it is also helping guilty people by doing so. Often times when lies are told they are done so with the express goal of covering up a malicious act perpetrated by someone else. The "fake news" or false report can serve to put the innocent on the defensive, thereby, deflecting the attention from the true guilty party. Reputations, careers, families, and lives can be destroyed by these false attacks. And all of it done simply because of people who can't handle the truth.
In the book of Acts, we are told about a Christian named Stephen. He is described as "a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people (Acts 6:8)." Because of who he was, Who he proclaimed, Jesus Christ, and how he proclaimed the Lord, "Opposition arose ... from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called)—Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia—who began to argue with Stephen (Acts 6:9)." God's grace and power were on display in Stephen. So much so that the Jews who opposed him started to argue with him. However, when they discovered that could not stand up to the wisdom he was receiving from the Lord, they convinced a group of men to lie about him. In other words, they spread fake news about him; false reports. They chose to eliminate him instead of heeding what he was saying and changing their own beliefs. But, they took their opposition to Stephen even further. They took Stephen in front of the Sanhedrin (an assembly of rabbis) and in violation of the command given in Exodus 23:1, "They produced false witnesses, who testified, “This fellow never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law (Acts 6:13)."" Their treachery went so far that after Stephen was allowed to defend himself against the false charges, "they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him (Acts 7:57-58)." They covered their ears and stoned him to death! Why would someone cover their ears? It is because they don't want to hear what is being said. The truth didn't matter to them. Only their beliefs mattered. Rather than reasoning with Stephen or just agreeing to disagree, they murdered him! If people are willing to lie about someone and murder them simply because they are preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, why would we expect anything less from the news media, entertainers, teachers, politicians or anybody else for that matter? They lied about Stephen and murdered him. They lied about the Apostle Paul and he was eventually killed. They even lied about Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, and had Him put to death. All of this because they did not like the truth of the message they proclaimed. But, there is something positive in all of this. Just before Stephen died, he said, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them (Acts 7:60).” He forgave them. Does this sound familiar? It should. We have heard it before. With His dying words, Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34).” There is no doubt that Stephen not only knew the Lord, but He understood His forgiveness. May we all be so blessed as to know Jesus Christ and His forgiveness to the degree where we are forgiving those people who lie on us and may even take our lives in the process.
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