Bob George, or as those who have come to benefit from his teaching affectionately call him, BG, was a pastor and counselor based in Texas. Over the next few years of listening to him, I came to understand the meaning of phrases like the "finality of the cross" and the "reality of the Resurrection." In basic terms, it meant I started to understand that because of the death of Jesus Christ I was completely forgiven of all my sins; past, present, and future. Over time I came to realize that religious practices like confession booths, saying repetitive prayers, answering altar calls, keeping short accounts or claiming 1 John 1:9 is for Christians were all unnecessary. God was no longer holding my sins against me. I also learned that salvation was God restoring His life, lost when Adam sinned in the Garden, to me as a free gift through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Putting God's forgiveness together with Him restoring His life to me, meant that I had eternal life and my sins would never again come between me and my God. But, it gets even better. Because of this truth, I could get to know my God and He would be able to get to know me! I believe that the second most important mission field is setting Christians free from the bondage of trying to live a life of obedience and repentance to rules designed to keep them trying to live a life they cannot live in order to please an already pleased God. It is pure insanity to try to obtain and maintain through works what you have already been freely given by God through faith in Jesus Christ. Bob George was the vessel God used to set me free from myself so I could approach God with confidence. He may not have reached 215 million people like Billy Graham. He may not have led 5,000 people to Christ in one day. But God only knows how many Christians he has set free in Christ through his radio ministry and best selling book, Classic Christianity. Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30).” God used Bob George to teach me the meaning of what it is to rest in Christ's finished work so I could learn from Him. I am eternally grateful for what Bob George has meant to me and my walk with the Lord. I would not be the Christian I am today without his influence on my life. On Friday, June 1, 2018, Bob George went home to be with the Lord at the age of 85. I can only imagine what must have gone through his mind to be in the presence of Jesus Christ and hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:23)." Perhaps, Bob and Billy are sitting with Jesus reminiscing about what the Lord did through them during their time on earth. Thank you, Jesus!
Your blogs and YouTube videos are a blessing from God. I have order two book by Bob George which you have mentioned in your blog. I’m looking forward to reading them.
Thank you for the kind comments, Rose. They are a blessing to me. I pray those books minister to you. Grace and peace.
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