Saturday, July 21, 2018

Finding Your Why

"But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law." Galatians 5:18

One of the foundational motivational techniques used by self-improvement teachers is to get their students to find out their "Why." The idea is that if a student discovers their "Why," they will be able to use that to push through any obstacle that comes their way as they pursue their goals in life. One example of this comes from a real estate investor named Dean Graziosi. He talks about an exercise called "7 Levels Deep." The exercise is geared towards asking the participant a series of seven questions designed to get them to discover what is motivating them to take action. Dean Graziosi recalled going through the exercise with one of his students that touched him. "I remember this guy; He was awesome. Big dude; 6 foot 7, dreadlocks. He gives me a bear hug. So, I ask him, 'Why are you here?' 'I'm here because in my neighborhood there are no dad's...there's not enough dads in my neighborhood. I grew up without a dad. These kids need dads. I am making money in real estate and I am starting this youth group. We get dads together and we go and spend days together.' I asked him, 'Why is that important to you?' He goes, 'Dude, what do you mean why is that important to me? I want more money so I can build a building for it.' I could tell he was still in his head. He gets to number 2 or 1 and everything changed for him. He gets small and starts crying ... uncontrollable crying ... and he gets to his number one. He is like, 'My mom raised a good boy. But, when she died nine years ago, I was a drug addict and she never saw the man she created. I am showing her in heaven [what kind of man she raised].' He said that and was like, 'I'll never stop now.'" Now, that is a pretty deep story and definitely revealed the motivation this man has for trying to succeed in life and his business. In fact, Dean Graziosi did the same exercise on himself and said his motivation was that he "wanted to be in control of his life." This is because he grew up with parents who were divorced nine times and that he had moved 19 times before he was 20 years old. He was poor; having to wear hand me downs, not having money for lunch at school, sleeping in a bathroom with a heater plugged in and other stuff. My reason for saying all this is to drive home the point that finding out your why is key, not only when it comes to personal pursuits, but also in your relationship with God. 

As a Christian, I often see that the motivation many Christians have for their lives is because something is apparently "commanded by God." In other words, their "Why" is that God said to do something, so they better do it. I have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. There was a time not long ago where I got myself in trouble with another Christian because I believe that we don't have to go to church. The individual that heard me say this could not understand that another Christian believed in such a thing. My statement led them to do a study on all the so-called scriptures that teach we are supposed to go to church. While I am sure I have no problem with the scriptures, I just see them differently. But, like those who participated in the 7 Levels Deep exercise, my motivation for going to church comes from my heart, not from any command designed to modify my behavior. In short, I go to church because I want to, not because I have to. It is the same with every other aspect of my Christian life. My giving, witnessing, preaching, charitable activities, Bible study, you name it, is done because Jesus Christ has changed my heart not because His word tells me to do something. It is unfortunate that many Christians do not understand the role of the indwelling Holy Spirit in a person's life. For them, unless a person is told how to act they won't have any desire to honor the Lord with their lives. All that says to me is that they are the ones that are in danger of not honoring the Lord with their lives because the scripture is clear that it is the Holy Spirit that guides us not our flesh. We are not under the law. If you believe there is something a person has to do or is commanded to do, then you are under the law. The scripture is clear that one is either led by the Spirit or the law (your flesh). You cannot have it both ways. I cannot help but wonder if I was condemned for my belief when I was only stating the natural byproduct of living a life of trust in and dependence on the Holy Spirit of God. We all know what it is like when our heart is not into something; it is not long before we can no longer continue to engage in the activity. When you are being led by the Holy Spirit, your life becomes one of wanting to do things rather than having to do them. Find out your "Why" for living the Christian life, no matter how many levels deep you have to travel.

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