"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10
What is the definition of tolerance? The answer could vary depending on where you look. For example, one definition defines tolerance as "a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry." There is another definition of tolerance that states it is an "interest in and concern for ideas, opinions, practices, etc., foreign to one's own; a liberal, undogmatic viewpoint." From my own experience, I believe many people I know who say they are tolerant would believe they agree with this second definition. Especially, the part about tolerance being "a liberal, undogmatic viewpoint." I say that because whenever somebody makes a statement claiming it to be the truth or claiming there are absolutes on a given topic, they are rebuked with a high degree of prejudice. But, upon further examination, you realize that these people are not practicing tolerance at all. It is as if they are dogmatic in their belief that there are no dogmatic statements. This, of course, is hypocrisy. In other words, there are only personal opinions about a subject, but no objective truth about anything. This leads me to believe that another definition of tolerance should be introduced. Tolerance should mean to "allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of those things with which we agree with without interference" because no opposing viewpoint is tolerated at all! Just look at the current state of affairs in our world. If you believe that there are only two genders, you are deemed a bigot regardless of that belief being a scientific fact. Say that marriage is between a man and a woman, you're a homophobe. Should you believe that an unborn child has a right to live, you are labeled anti-woman. If you believe in a God who created the world in seven, 24 hour days, you are called anti-science despite there being no scientific proof of evolution. If you believe that Jesus Christ, as He said Himself, is "the way and the truth and the life" and that "no one comes to the Father except through [Him]," you are called closed-minded. If you question or don't believe in Global Warming, now called Climate Change, you are called a "denier." This goes on and on for just about any major topic today. Many of those who claim to be tolerant are far from it. As far as I am concerned, it appears that tolerance ends where disagreement begins. Which is truly no tolerance at all.
Truth is dying a quick death. People would rather hold on to their beliefs than accept the truth. It is within this context that truth becomes whatever someone wants it to be depending on how it assists them in getting the maximum benefit from their present circumstances. Furthermore, the definition of something being true is fluid depending on the situation. It also allows a person to hardly ever have to defend their beliefs. Have you ever heard someone say, "What is true for you may not be what is true for me"? What is most often the case is that whatever is popular becomes the truth or whoever has the most power or influence gets to decide what is true. Truth becomes more about what feels good instead of what is factual. But, sooner or later you have to have an absolute authority defining truth for you. Apart from a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, mankind will act as if they are their own god. People will do what is right in their own eyes. They will rely on their own understanding. Where does that get us? Chaos. You end up with moral relativism, a world with no absolutes, no standard of good and evil, no agreement on what is right or wrong, a belief that all gods are the same God, and all paths lead to heaven. But, when people fear the Lord, having a specific sense of respect, awe, and submission to Him in Christ Jesus, they will be given the mind of Christ. They will begin to filter the world and their experiences through God. Therefore, God will use their eyes to see, mouth to speak, hands to touch, and legs to walk as a person moves through life. Wisdom is the proper application of knowledge and the Lord is the source of them both. He will give you the capacity to better understand this world and navigate through it. And, most importantly, He will give you the courage to stand up for the truth. A friend of mine recently told me about their experience at work regarding this subject. "We experience that moral relativism every day. Especially at work where we're hostage to it because of being around our co-workers for 8 hours every day. We have a standard of Truth, God, and his word. But I have noticed that I've been labeled as intolerant because I have an opinion. My thing is people can do what they want, believe what they want. It doesn't make it the truth. It seems like the people who are yelling intolerance are really the ones that are intolerant because they won't allow me to believe the way I do." If this is your experience, keep standing on the truth. Remember, if something is true it doesn't matter if everybody believes it is or nobody. Love those who disagree, but never accept a lie in order to be loved.
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