The Apostle Paul was writing to the church in Corinth on the subject of God revealing His wisdom by His Spirit when he said, "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him— these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)." In the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ is recorded as saying, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am (John 14:3)." In both instances, the promises of God are ones of hope and expectation of what He wants to tell us and show us. It is words like this that get the Christian to get our focus off of ourselves and on to the Lord. Yet, what do we constantly run into each day? It is not the hope promised by God through Paul and Jesus Christ. It is the fear that all may be lost if you don't get your act together. The Christian legalist, who is not much different than the religious Pharisees in the days of Jesus, is always there to get you to put your eyes back onto your flesh because their eyes are focused on their flesh.
When somebody is trying to live a life under the law the conversation has nothing to do with the Spirit of God revealing His wisdom or the excitement about what He has in store for us in heaven. Rather, it is talking about how one is living under the law. Comments like:
- "You talk about not helping your neighbor repair a fence on the Sabbath. I assume we're talking about a non-emergency repair here."
- "What happens if we remove God's laws? Is God’s character in God's laws? If we remove His laws are we removing God?"
- "For without the law, grace is completely without meaning; thus, if it were not for the law, there would be no place for grace, therefore, grace is because of the law."
This is just a small sample of why it is frustrating to deal with people who do not understand the grace of God, but claim they do. Are we to think that God came down from heaven as Jesus Christ, lived for over 30 years with us, did not sin, was betrayed, arrested, tortured, crucified, and then rose from the dead, so we could continue to try and live a life focused on our flesh? It is as if we are living in the times before Jesus Christ and He never came. Is our Christian life about if it is lawful to repair a neighbor's fence on Saturday? Do we live a life of answering hypothetical questions about law and grace? Are we supposed to commit our lives trying to live under two covenants as if God was not clear about their separation? Is this the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Honestly, while Christians are all brothers and sisters in Christ, in many ways we are enemies. There can't be any fellowship with believers who are not of a like mind. It is difficult to proclaim the true Gospel of Jesus Christ when there are multiple Gospels being proclaimed; one of works and one of grace. It always interested me how so many people of all religions are so addicted to overcoming their flesh when the Bible says that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:50)." Many people are resigning themselves to an impossible lifelong task of preserving the perishable only to leave it behind when they enter the kingdom of God if they enter at all. The law has not done its work in these people because they are still putting confidence in the flesh. All you can do is pray for them and their lack of wisdom.
"Father, in the name of Jesus, please remove the veil that covers the eyes of those who are under the law. Please show them that a life of flesh management is not what you have called us to. Reveal to them the New Covenant and what it means to have the hope of Christ in them and not the hopelessness of life under the law. Lead them to the end of themselves so they will learn to trust in you and not their disobedience of trying to a life they cannot live. Show them that the sin issue is over between you and us. Allow them to experience your forgiveness so they can have a relationship with you and not your commandments. Take away the religious pride that deceives us into believing we have found a way to be obedient to your laws and makes us lord over other Christians. Let them see that the law is for unbelievers and not Christians. Lead them into your rest. Show them the light yoke you promised. Thank you for your faithfulness and fellowship to us despite our sins and failures. May you be glorified in all of this. Amen!"
Grace and Peace
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